Google Chrome is just born, but it seems to suffer from weird errors every now and then. As a matter of fact, Chrome may return you the following error: “The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005).Click on OK to terminate the application”. This kind of error affects all windows operating system including Windows Vista (SP1, Ultimate), Windows XP3 or Windows XP2. Most of the time the message 0xc0000005 is triggered by Symantec Endpoint Protection. Anyway many people are reporting it even though they don’t have such a piece of software. If you are using the above mentioned software, here is a quick fix:
- Click Start.
- In the Search bar type regedit and press Enter.
- Look for the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Services\SysPlant
- Locate the subkey Start and change the value to 4.
- Reboot the computer to make the change effective.
- Right-click on the Google Chrome icon ( yes, the one on your desktop).
- Click the shortcut tab.
- Add this code to the end of the Target line (don’t forget to put a space between): –no-sandbox
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